Judah’s Missing Son
The New Bible Dictionary says, “Shela, son of Arpahchshad of the family of Shem, and father of Eber (Gen. 10:24; 11:12-15; 1 Chron. 1:18-24).
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Pastor Jory Brooks is an American and pastor of the oldest Anglo-Israel church in North America, located in Detroit, Michigan. He is also Vice-President of the “The Servant People, Canadian British Israel Association” and together with President Mary Bennett, has been a driving force in that organization. With his keen interest in history and research, he has updated and written many fine publications for CBIA. When you read a Jory Brooks article, you know you are in touch with one of the foremost scholars of the Israel Truth. He is a speed reader so gets the most out of the hours per day he spends in research. His articles in our magazine are invariably fresh and informative and he also writes a quarterly article for a British publication. It is a tribute to his wisdom that his articles are very often picked up and reprinted in other Israel Truth magazines. Jory is also a sought after speaker and has delivered messages throughout the United States, Canada and the British Isles.
The New Bible Dictionary says, “Shela, son of Arpahchshad of the family of Shem, and father of Eber (Gen. 10:24; 11:12-15; 1 Chron. 1:18-24).
Psalm 97 belongs to the circle of millennial psalms referring to our Lord’s Second Coming to reign. According to Reformation leader, Theodore Beza (1519–1605), this psalm is “the most highly prized of all that prefigure Christ’s return, as containing a most divine epitome of all gospel mysteries.” Beza was a French Calvinist Protestant theologian, reformer…
The first Apocryphal book is First Esdras. The central story in chapter 3 to chapter 5:6 is a “tale of the three guardsmen,” a debate by the Persian king’s bodyguards.
The Lord would recover, redeem, or restore (Heb., qanah, Strong’s H7069) His people “the second time.” What were these two promised restorations of Israel?
This was repeated several more times in Scripture in unconditional language. We are told in 1 Kings 2:45, “And king Solomon shall be blessed, and the throne of David shall be established before the LORD for ever.”
Ironically, the biblical ten-tribe House of Israel was exiled to Media (2 Ki. 17:6), but no suggestion is offered that the Germans or other Indo-Europeans are these lost Israel tribes!
The author professes ignorance of the Historicist year-for-a-day system concerning the “seven times” prophecies of Scripture.
The book of Esther is the story of a Hebrew girl who marries a pagan king. This could not have happened in Persia, whose laws required the king to only marry from within the Persian royal families.
Have promises been held out to Israel? Men have been told continually that they are addressed to Gentile saints. Have glorious things been described as laid up in store for Israel?
This song is an encouraging paean of victory, which we no doubt need to have more of in today’s troubled world. But did Judah then go defeat the enemy?