Our website would not be complete without a short trip down Memory Lane to visit the writings of some true servants of God, men and women who very early on embraced the Israel Truth, along with the Gospels of the Kingdom and Salvation, and did their part in the sowing of seeds for the Great Gardener. They are people of whom the Lord Jesus Christ was referring when He said, “…unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall much be required.”
There is an old saying: When the outlook is dark and threatening try the uplook. This has proved true enough for hosts of people: but it is a tragedy that we have to be compelled by dark and threatening out look before we are forced to look upwards, beyond ourselves and human devices for the…
The prophet Habakkuk has often been described as the Grandfather of the Reformation because of his reference, unique among the prophets, to the great doctrine of justification by faith so strongly emphasized by the apostle Paul.
The short prophetic message of Haggai has been well termed the Book of Revelation and Revival – revelation of the will of God, and the revival of spiritual life that follows obedience to that will. Haggai was one of the post-captivity prophets and his message must be read and studied against the background of events…
In the first chapter of the Book of Joel, Joel asserts that his prophecies will be fulfilled in this day and generation. Though Joel makes a despairing appeal to the ecclesiastical leaders of our day to repent and intercede with God for Israel, he still records their failure to listen. The prophet then calls upon…
In the Kingdom Parable regarding “The tares among the wheat,” we find the Lord Jesus informing His disciples, (as well as us who read these words of the Lord today) that the fulfillment of this parable will come to pass at “the end of the world, or age,”. . . the time in which we…
Peter is the best known of all the disciples of the Lord. In his life, we see our faults and failings. Peter vowed that he would never betray the Lord, and within a very short time, did that very thing in the denial of the Lord, as Jesus was being led away to prison. We…