Our website would not be complete without a short trip down Memory Lane to visit the writings of some true servants of God, men and women who very early on embraced the Israel Truth, along with the Gospels of the Kingdom and Salvation, and did their part in the sowing of seeds for the Great Gardener. They are people of whom the Lord Jesus Christ was referring when He said, “…unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall much be required.”
Her Royal Highness Princess Alice, Countess of Athlone was pleased to be appointed Chief Patron of this British Israel World Federation, and previous to the 1920 Congress we find Rev. R. H. Sawyer of Portland, Oregon spending considerable time with Mr. Garrison drafting the Constitution.
It was 1930! My Mom had finally reached that time of day when she could rest for a few minutes by herself and read the local newspaper. With several kids, ultimately fifteen, ten of which were boys, and a very energetic husband, a few minutes of privacy was hard to come by in the Hurst…
I was discharged from duty in 1945, then 25 years old and all the world ahead of me. I had been a pilot in the RCAF but I was always disappointed that because of my specific training, I was assigned to the Canadian theatre of operations, rather than going overseas. My Dad, John Hammond, was…
We entered this float into the 1936 Pageant of Progress Parade, along with 200 other floats, to celebrate Vancouver’s Golden Jubilee. It created much favourable comment and encouraged many of our brethren to enquire into the Israel Truth.
Charlie Batzold, as he liked to be called, was most certainly God’s man, almost a pattern for Psalms 37: 23, “the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord and he delighteth in his way.” A beloved padre in World War I, a Congregationalist minister and a spiritual trailblazer, he was a man…
Before the advent of the modern Israeli State, who took the name “Israel” as prophesied in Isaiah 44: 5, the message of the Israel Truth was being accepted far and wide.