Ezekiel’s Prophetic Prince

Ezekiel’s Prophetic Prince

Ezekiel 46:17 continues, “But if he give a gift of his inheritance to one of his servants, then it shall be his to the year of liberty; after it shall return to the prince: but his inheritance shall be his sons’ for them.” In the Millennium there will be no “Year of Liberty” every 50 years, because the entire thousand years is a Jubilee period of rest from labor and lost inheritances.

The Mathematical Impossibility of Dispensational-Futurism

The Mathematical Impossibility of Dispensational-Futurism

To put this into further perspective, if the prophecy referred to the current full number of world Jews, and if you were an Israeli today with a home with 4 individuals living there, in the Dispensationalist conception you might have 120 people crammed living in your house! (30 times more people x4). Or there would need to be a huge amount of New York City style high-rises. That number doesn’t include all of the animals, the lions and snakes and so forth,

“In Those Days and In That Time.” When???

“In Those Days and In That Time.” When???

Was the return to Zion fulfilled in 539 B.C.? The Pulpit Commentary on Jeremiah 50:4 asserts, “We are by no means to regard it as an idealized picture of the return of the Jews under Zerubbabel, any more than we can suppose the glowing promises in the second part of Isaiah to have their sole fulfilment in that disappointing event.