What Lies Ahead?

It is important not to reward one wicked thing because an even worse may appear. That is the way of preserving evil unto eternity. We must at all times retain a clear vision and a precise and informed will.
In Britain, the Conservative Party has been eclipsed thoroughly in the recent General Election of July 4th 2024. The seeds of this overturning lie partly in the political assassination of Margaret Thatcher in 1990 by members of her own party. The follow-on effect from cause is not always immediate. She had won three General Elections and defeated both the communist National Union of Mineworkers and the fascist Argentinian junta over the Falkland Islands. She was replaced by the treacherous adulterer John Major (an old school colleague of mine in 1958, though I knew it not then), and then later by that worker of iniquity Tony Blair, the archetypal, in my opinion, Son of Perdition, forerunner of Barack Obama, who both serve only that which seeks to destroy God’s world.
Has Almighty God deserted His people; God forbid! For His unconditional covenant speaks otherwise. Will He raise up another earthly saviour for our nation? In the guise of Alfred the Great, Elizabeth 1st, Lord Nelson, the Duke of Wellington & Winston Churchill. We must wait and see, assuming the quiet patience and surety of our faith. All of these aforementioned, partly saved the continent of Europe from itself, that pagan world which still espouses Europa, who was ravished in legend by Zeus disguised as a bull. This symbolism is still used by the European Union today in statues, flags, coins, postage stamps etc. The EU headquarter building in Strasbourg was also constructed to replicate the unfinished Tower of Babel, its motto, “Many tongues, one voice”. The legendary victory of Zeus over the rival Titans is (was) commemorated by the setting up of the Olympic Games in ancient Greece (whose participants were male only and naked). The Olympic torch of the modern games was not added to this spectacle until 1936 at Berlin by none other than Adolf Hitler.
But remember, the ancient Isle of Albion/Britain is under the final protection of God, our God Jesus Christ and its very soil is sacred. It will not be sacrificed to the alien hordes however they are labelled and despite what power they may seem to have acquired. Currently, we are being saddled with labour strikes and the threat of more strikes by militant already well-paid people sector. Now the Lord has said that the labourer is worthy of his hire or reward. But today people are being rewarded for not working. Farmers are paid not to reap and sow but to rewind, doctors are paid not to cure but merely act as extensions of the giant drug cartels, teachers are paid not to educate our children but to poison their minds. The list goes on. The very devil and all his cohorts are arrayed against us, the people of God, but Our Lord has declared that “Yes I watched Satan fall from heaven like a flash of lightning”, and then to His disciples, “I have indeed given you the power of treading on serpents and scorpions and of trampling down all the power of the enemy; nothing shall injure you” – Luke 10:18-19 – Moffatt version.
This is tremendous news. It is a divine settlement occasioned for the righteous to enjoy. A security way beyond all earthly promise. We are to proceed with undiluted faith, (faith is not believing something unlikely, but having complete trust in Almighty God).
The recent General Election in Britain has brought forth Sir Keir Starmer as Prime Minister. Gone were the days when a knighthood had to be earned by doing something really outstanding. He is married to a member of the Edomite progeny, and pretends that he came from a poor family, “my father was a toolmaker”, although some suggest that he actually owned the factory; spare me the melodramatic details please. His predecessor, Rishi Sunak was a practising Hindu who had a Hindu shrine inside no 10 Downing Street. He seems remarkably cheerful despite being convincingly trounced, but then he is rumoured to have said that he did not fancy being a wartime leader!
He declared many times that he really loved our country, just like the tearful Mrs Theresa May on her sudden demise from power a few years ago, wailing like a silly schoolgirl. You would hope, would you not, that we could be governed by mature adult people, but that seems impossible these days.
Whilst we wait patiently for normal service to be resumed, we must content ourselves with being fed a continual diet of lies and falsehoods. The recent events in America confirm this, for nothing is as it seems. The Democratic candidate was not forced out until after the failure of the plot to murder the Republican candidate. The new Democratic candidate was not approved by the former President at the highest level until Mrs Obama had been consulted. The American vote is scheduled for November 5th, the date when we in this country celebrate the failure of the Roman Catholics to blow up the Houses of Parliament in 1605AD, when James 1st was on the throne.
As I write this article, the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics is about to take place. This city was of course named after another Greek legendary figure, one intimately connected to the founding of London, via Helen of Troy. At the opening of the London Olympics in 2012, a bell was specially manufactured to produce a certain note, for which no reason was given. I suspected that it was an attempt to introduce a small dose of nefarious mass hypnosis. I avoid these media controlled international sporting events because of this. You should not discount the attempts of our enemies to use black arts whenever possible.
However our God is Sovereign, the Alpha and Omega, and His timing is perfect. As the modernist hymn goes,”our God Reigns”. May it please Him to have mercy upon us at all times during the run up to the end of this wicked world.