Undocumented Sanity – Is Freedom From The Past?
Moffatt states in Ephesians 4: that we must give up living like pagans (Ephesus was a pagan city complete with the Temple of Diana), and surely that is what we are doing today.
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Moffatt states in Ephesians 4: that we must give up living like pagans (Ephesus was a pagan city complete with the Temple of Diana), and surely that is what we are doing today.
This is tremendous news. It is a divine settlement occasioned for the righteous to enjoy. A security way beyond all earthly promise. We are to proceed with undiluted faith, (faith is not believing something unlikely, but having complete trust in Almighty God).
This planned exercise is all part of the delusion that the Lord God said he would send upon the Earth just prior to the return in glory of His Son Jesus Christ to restore His Creation and vanquish evil.
The above comments are in no way to suggest that Russia is perfect, but it is unfortunately true that personal freedoms are more attacked in modern Britain and America than they are in Russia.
In 1937, a Royal Commission was appointed to determine the legal ownership and residential rights over what the Bible called the Promised Land.
There is a saying that sums up so much of what is happening today, “if you cannot convince ‘em, confuse ’em”.
Even in times when almost every official in Britain was British, there was no guarantee of safety and security within the Realm.
This venal and duplicitous action was to lead directly to the Credit Crunch of 2007AD which decimated the world economy and destroyed thousands of businesses.
Now, we have in Britain and the Commonwealth a new king, one who has been indiscreet and very foolish in several ways.
Going back to the beginning – what was it that led Wilfred to this eventual betrayal of his native church?