The Deep State Reckoning
The Eth Cepher version of the Bible includes many non-canonical texts which the publisher considers sacred scriptures that were excluded from the Bible. Eth Cepher is Hebrew for divine book. Some refer to this as the Cepher Bible. It can be purchased from the website.
It contains 87 books (which include the 66 canonical books of the Bible). Other Bible versions also have more than the 66 books that we have in protestant Bibles today. For instance, the Catholic has 73, the Ethiopian has 81, the Coptic has 72 and the 1611 King James Version which included the apocrypha at that time had 81. In my view, only the 66 what we know as the King James Version today are authorized inspired word of God and complete the Bible as Biblical numerics demonstrate. All other texts, though interesting, are not inspired, but can be quite useful to look at for historical and cultural background.
This version has some issues (though some might be in agreement with what I consider issues). It could be considered a sacred name Bible (where the name the Messiah is YAHUSHA in this Bible for instance; all names for God are their Hebrew equivalents in capitals). This collection of sacred texts (as the publisher describes it; not calling it a Bible), is often transliterated from the KJV (rather than translating from original sources, which some contend is done in such a way as to enforce the transliterator’s bias (I must admit that we all have our theological or doctrinal biases so this is not entirely unexpected, so sticking with the KJV is the safest way of reading the Bible in my view).
What is interesting though is what this volume includes. It does include the Book of Jasher (which is likely not the Book of Jasher referenced in the Bible, but a later creation unfortunately). It also includes 2nd Esdras which mentions in chapter 13 the movements of Israelites into Europe. It also includes the Book of Enoch (which is alluded to several times in our Bible and may well be what our Bible referred to). There are a number of other books included too.
There are also a few extra Psalms added, as well as a 29th chapter of the book of Acts. Now this last item is particularly interesting and nice to see it in a version of what I would call a Bible (even if transliterating destroys all Bible numerics and thus authorization by God). This describes Paul’s journey to Spain and England. That and 2nd Esdras chapter 13 add to our message and perhaps expose people to these ideas for the 1st time (perhaps lifting the blindness in part to some of our brothers and sisters in Christ). Not that they are authorized, nor should they be included in God’s word, but like many other such texts they are useful for understanding the history of God’s people.
The publisher’s website goes into the travels of C.S. Sonnini in Turkey and Greece and how he was under the orders of King Louis the 16th of France with the authorization of the Ottoman Court. Some might say that this makes no sense, but C.S. Sonnini had a pattern of looking at ancient customs and rituals as he had done in Egypt sometime earlier and documented in his book “Travels in Upper and Lower Egypt” which shows many engravings and diagrams. CS Sonnini was allowed to see a Bible found in the Archives at Constantinople written in Greek which had a 29th chapter to the book of acts. This was translated by Sonnini and later found interleaved in a copy of his book “Travels in Turkey and Greece”. Some believe this to be a spurious document. There are a number of points supporting its authenticity. The Romans chapter 15 twice refers to Paul’s plans to travel to Spain. In the new testament only the books of James and Acts do not end with “Amen”, leading one to speculate that the book of Acts had more to it. The publisher’s website gives another piece of evidence with the 5th century Muratorian Fragment which states (as translated into English) .. “moreover, the acts of all the apostles were written in one book. For most excellent Theophilus’ Luke compiled the individual events that took place in his presence as he plainly shows by omitting the martyrdom of Peter as well as the departure of Paul from the city (of Rome) when he journeyed to Spain.” Clement, Chrysostom and Jerome also assume that Paul fulfilled his intention to go to Spain (in some of their writings).
Are we about to witness the old “Wellington/Napoleon” gambit, that is, those who would manufacture an environment to frighten the world into thinking the very worst, resulting in asset values plummeting to practically nothing, then stepping in as scavengers to buy such assets at rock-bottom prices, whether equities, real property, a nation’s resources or commodities? Has the careful nurturing of the insurmountable debt plank of the Mystery Babylon plan sufficiently ensnared governments, corporations and citizens so as to entice Babylon into gleefully pulling the “plug?” And is there any evidence that the inner circle (i.e. or the Deep State) around the globe is being readied to participate in this final onslaught on freedom?
Some think there is already a call going out to muster the forces of Babylon and to demonstrate their warnings, they point to news articles in well placed vehicles. For example, we read such articles as, “The Crash of the U.S. Economy has begun”, that speculates the fact the crash is real. Then, the rising interest rates, the escalating inflation affecting everything we buy and a world seemingly on the precipice of war is frightening. But, as we look around, we see the deep staters living their luxurious lives, taking advantage of already exposed assets, like the large banks that failed that they could pick up cheap through government bailouts, these too at taxpayer expense.
I often think of the words of George Bernard Shaw, “Power does not corrupt men; fools, however, if they get into a position of power, corrupt power.” Well, we have a lot of fools in our midst today, sadly in governments, corporations, even in our ecclesiastical world. But are today’s fools, (ie. the Deep Staters), about to meet their Waterloo?
Maybe not! After all, the strategy hasn’t failed them yet. Remember 2008, when the toll on small and medium sized businesses was devastating and billions were added to the tax rolls. Oh, and remember the rescue plan for the banksters! Remember, they got bailout money because they were considered “too big to fail”. Or maybe you are at the age when you recall 1980-1985, I do, the high interest rates and high inflation were certainly my waterloo, as assets worth many, many millions today ended up in the balance sheets of bankers and corporations. Go back further, to wars that generated massive profits for Babylon or the Great Depression, the greatest rip-off from individual and small and medium business concerns ever.
Some of you may remember the article I penned a few years back about the warning, by way of an end-time prophecy, given to the unscrupulous rich by the Apostle James. (See James 5:1-6) It’s too bad some of the corrupt rich didn’t see it because they would then be aware at least of the judgment that is to come upon them. It is important to understand that James stated that the rich mentioned as corrupt are not being attacked because they are rich but because they have failed in their leadership and responsibilities. That the great howling and weeping from these corrupt rich is not repentance but it is sorrow because of what is happening to their wealth. They just do not realize that wealth must be used for good purposes, for the benefit of mankind, not for hoarding. Yet, the hoarding is going to be the prime witness against them and there is nothing their wealth can do to help them to escape the judgment.
Verse 4 is particularly interesting, “Behold, the hire of the labourers who have reaped down your fields, which is of you kept back by fraud…” Deuteronomy 24:14 should be read in conjunction with this, “Thou shalt not oppress an hired servant that is poor and needy, whether he be of thy brethren, or of thy strangers that are in thy land within thy gates.” Let’s for a moment examine what has happened in our Israel lands, particularly over the last half-century. First, the financial structure of the lands, that is banking, investment dealers, along with government sympathies, have permitted corporate takeovers that have resulted in monopolies and oligopolies to the extent that it permits the men and women behind them to control almost every facet of society. And we must ask ourselves “what decisions are these men and women making outside of pricing matters that place an undue strain on people.” Well, we know that downsizing has killed the jobs of countless thousands; free trade agreements with non-Israelite countries, have closed one manufacturing plant after another as industries have moved offshore; and workers are paid exactly what it takes to keep them, not a penny more. So, they can’t get ahead. Then too, over the last decade, the unscrupulous rich behind corporate power have transferred millions of jobs offshore to take advantage of cheap labour and the pace of this is accelerating. And all the while, government sits idling by, doing nothing but perhaps a little jawboning. I would try to understand James’ words if I was one of these corrupt rich, particularly verse 5 where he warns them that their love of luxury, pleasure and extravagant living is just fattening them up for the day of slaughter (or the Day of Judgment). And why, because as verse 6 says, “ye have condemned and killed the just: and he does not resist you.” But what does this really mean. The Apocrypha Book of Ecclesiasticus Chapter 34:21-22 clarifies this for us, “The bread of the needy is their life: he that defraudeth him thereof is a man of blood. He that taketh away his neighbour’s living slayeth him; and he that defraudeth the labourer of his hire is a bloodsheddar.” So now you will see why I emphasized those words “in thy land” in the above paragraph. These passages in Ecclesiasticus clearly relate to those who so casually kill millions of jobs in the Israel nations by sending them overseas and thereby forcing occupants of those jobs to seek welfare or take menial replacement jobs. Think about this! A little over a quarter century ago, the United States was the largest creditor nation in the world. Today, the debt is over thirty trillions and rising astronomically. Worse still, the main holders of the debt are nations to whom the Bible states will be enemies in the final conflict. Yet, even now there is a huge price to pay, beyond interest. The Bible tells us, “the borrower is servant to the lender.” Indeed, we must ultimately pay the piper for the concessions made to adversarial lenders, both within and without. Sometime in the first century AD, a philosopher named Epictetus wrote, “No man who is a lover of money, of pleasure, of glory, is likewise a lover of Men……” This is something to keep in mind when we see the seekers of power telling us they have our welfare at heart.
Are we at the point of financial collapse? Who knows? But, remember, no one expected the crusades. Or the French Revolution! Or, for that matter, the devastating losses in the mid-East nations!
Important Addendum to this Article
As you read this article, you might think our Israelite brethren have done a terrible job in permitting our Israel nations going from the great nations we were in the early eighteen hundreds to the deplorable situation we are in today. There is a reason for this, and the Bible tells us so, but Mystery Babylon or, as it is also called, “The Deep State”, has utilized all their power to subdue the truth. As a reminder, you will recall that Isaac had two sons, Esau (the first born) and Jacob. As the first born, Esau was in line for the Dominion on Isaac’s death, meaning the right to govern or rule, but through trickery, Jacob stole the Dominion. After much pleading, Jacob gave Esau a secondary blessing, “by thy sword shalt thou live, and shalt serve thy brother; and it shall come to pass when thou shalt have the dominion, that thou shalt break his yoke from off thy neck” Genesis 27:40). God had determined that Jacob would have to pay for his trickery sometime in the future and be ruled by Esau (Esau Edom). There is no question that Esau rules today and sadly has used the Dominion to control every facet of Israelite life. Their Dominion began slowly, probably sometime in the early 1800’s, and has reached the point today where our onetime Christian lands are totally controlled by Esau Edom (the goats) and his collaborators, converted goats mainly from True Israel. But the Esau Dominion must end and the Book of Obadiah, among other prophets of God, give us a good description of that end. This includes the nation of Israel, probably 80/90% populated by Edom despite the propaganda campaign carried on since 1948 when the name Israel was selected over Zion.
As an aside, belief in the Israel Truth, which our Association professes to, began to slow considerably from that moment in 1948 and today, there are only a few of us promoting the truth. But, this editor believes the many protests against Edom around the world, the viciousness of their military efforts and the terrible effects on true Israelites everywhere is a great signal for the unveiling of truth.