Servants of the Lord

I have just watched a tv programme on our GBNews channel. It featured an interview by Nigel Farage with Donald Trump.
Donald Trump was probably the most abused and ill-respected President the world has seen – and this by the media, and the globalist controlled governments of our world today. He is hated because he loves his country, and because he is unafraid to speak out about what he believes to be true. And whilst he has many faults (as do we all), there is no doubt in my mind that Almighty God has used him for His purposes – and potentially will do so again.
Despite the way he has been treated, he is quite prepared to go through it all again, and I personally believe that the Lord is with him, because there is a spiritual impulse within this man which spurs him on.
Likewise, Nigel Farage who was, of course our Brexit man, and he has also been used by the Lord for that very purpose. Again, like Donald Trump, Nigel Farage has been similarly derided and hated – by those who wished to keep us chained up to the Babylonian EU, but still he carried on in his fight, and again he showed a spiritual impulse that I believe the Lord placed within him as well, whether he was aware of it or not – so that he continued until the goal was fulfilled.
We, as British Israelites, know that the Lord has often chosen individuals throughout our Israelite history whom He used for His purposes concerning His people. And we can expect this to continue.
In our own British history, we know of various warriors chosen of the Lord. Winston Churchill was a very prominent individual, who was mightily used to help us win the Second World War and there is no doubt that the Hand of God was upon him. And we need to realise that the people used by the Lord are not necessarily people who are faultless – and indeed sometimes God makes use of these faults. So, we should not judge people such as Donald Trump – or any others in this regard!
In American history there have also been those who the Lord has called upon in order to save His people from dire straits. George Washington was one, but I want to bring to your attention Abraham Lincoln, who was a great servant of the Lord, and all Americans should be very proud of this man. Indeed, to think that a bunch of yobs and hooligans thought it good to tear down a statue of this great servant of the Lord, just shows how low some people have become!
Currently, living in Norfolk, Alan and I visited a church in a small town not far from where we live, and were pleasantly surprised to find that within its walls there stands a small bust of Abraham Lincoln. So, what is a bust of Abraham Lincoln doing in a church in the little town of Hingham in Norfolk? And this bust was unveiled by the American Ambassador, the Hon John W. Davis, in October 1919.
Let me relate the story to you. A story that goes back a few short generations before the birth of Abraham Lincoln in America.
First of all, between 1630 – 1643, it is estimated that 20,000 people of all ages and from all walks of life were carried in 200 ships from England in search of a new life in the New World. Amongst them were nearly 200 inhabitants of the small town of Hingham in Norfolk. And amongst them, in the year of 1637, a very important lad – important in God’s eyes – set forth on this same adventure. His name was Samuel Lincoln, the grandson of Richard Lincoln. Now Richard Lincoln owned property in both Hingham, and nearby Swanton Morley (a parish about 12 miles away). Richard married four times, and his first wife was Elizabeth Remching of Carbrooke, also in Norfolk. They had a son named Edward. Now it seems that Richard’s second and third wives had no children, but his fourth wife did have a family, and she persuaded Richard to make a Will providing for herself and her children, thus depriving Edward of his inheritance.
Edward contested this Will and managed to obtain a part of his father’s property in Hingham, where he and Samuel (his second son) were baptised in the church on 24th August 1622. When Samuel was old enough, he was apprenticed to Francis Lawes, a Norwich weaver with Puritan leanings, and when Lawes and his family emigrated with other Puritan weavers, his fifteen-year-old apprentice went with them. They sailed on 8th April 1637 in the John and Dorothy of Ipswich, reaching Boston on 20th June; a voyage of 11 and a half weeks. Not long afterwards Samuel must have left his master, for he is known to have joined his friends in the settlement which they had named after his old home.
Samuel’s great – great – great – great grandson was to become the sixteenth President of the United States of America – Abraham Lincoln. Thus, Samuel became the first American ancestor of this great man.
You may be interested to know that we went back to visit the church again, and there was placed by the Bust of Abraham Lincoln, a book on The United States and Great Britain in Prophecy by the Herbert Armstrong people. Perhaps – just perhaps, someone may take it and read it, to learn something about who are the Anglo-Saxon-Celto peoples that make up the majority of these two countries and other kindred lands.
Much water has passed under the bridge since the days of Abraham Lincoln and the peoples of those days. I wonder what he, and other Presidents would think of their country and the world today. I should think they would be horrified, and very, very sad. They would wonder what had gone wrong – why the people had turned away from the Lord, for their faith was very strong.
Our world is currently upside down! It is in an unbelievable situation, and God’s people have made themselves very vulnerable by their unbelief in the One who is able to save them. And the wonderful thing is, that He will save us. For be very sure, dear readers, that the Lord loves His people, and we only have to turn back to Him, and ask.
And never doubt that the Lord will always find a suitable person to lead His people – be it a Moses, an Elijah, a Samson, a David, a George Washington, an Abraham Lincoln, a Winston Churchill – who EVER He decides He needs for the particular moment in time!
All we need to do is BELIEVE!