Groundhog Day Coming?
As Winston Churchill might have said, “Never in the field of human medicine have so many suffered so much for so few.” The policy of absolute lockdowns, wearing masks and enabling untested so-called vaccinations, forced by government diktat on the general public, caused unending massive damage on both the health of nations and individuals. Report after report and analysis after analysis have proved beyond any reasonable doubt that these measures did not even have any true scientific basis. The populations of countries worldwide were treated as nothing more than laboratory rats experimented on by those who ‘knew best’! All opposition to this madness was ruthlessly silenced and suppressed.
However, that did not stop the flawed British Health Secretary, Matt Hancock, who broke his own lockdown rules by having an affair with his secretary, from claiming in June 2023 that “next time we might need wider, earlier and even more stringent lockdowns.” So, you see the stage has been set for the next wave of global deception planned for us, the little people, the insignificant looked down-upon basket of deplorables who must unthinkingly do as we are told.
This planned exercise is all part of the delusion that the Lord God said he would send upon the Earth just prior to the return in glory of His Son Jesus Christ to restore His Creation and vanquish evil. We are being tested to prove whether we are worthy of salvation, and our first duty is to use the brains which we were given to question all things and to rightly divide the word of truth, as the Holy bible describes it. Now real truth has a particular quality; it is called the ring of truth. In other words, it can be determined and separated from falsehood, but only by a pure heart and uncovetous mind. It is the gift of those untainted by the world and its hollow ambitions, or as Jesus said, “Except ye become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew ch18, v3).
The movers and shakers of this corrupt world want to do nothing less than destroy us all so that they may have the world for themselves. But for the elect’s sake, those days shall be shortened. “Fear not little flock for it is the Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.” (Luke ch32, v12)
It is important to understand that Truth is the highest of all spiritual attributes, higher even than Love, for Jesus himself declared that it was the Truth that would set you free. Free to love perfectly and accompanied by Wisdom which is the child of Truth and Love. This is the reason that Satan attacks the Truth first (as in Genesis). And why every act of violation and aggression must first be preceded by the lie which sanctions it.
Now, the ‘powers that be’ have it in mind (and have had in mind for some considerable time), to separate Almighty God from the highest expression of His Creation – Man, that is Man from the time before The Fall. They plan to artificially construct, for want of a better expression, an electric envelope around the Earth, so as to prevent all Divine contact and inspiration from permeating to the lower levels. This is the real reason for 5G and then 6G, (called by some nefarious scientists 6 Genesis), so as to adversely affect all human thinking and functioning. It will be used to pervert and profane all levels of existence. It may even eventually have the power to raise up forces from the underworld, which have until now been sealed and prevented from interacting with our world. Great but maligned minds are working night and day to bring this about so that they will have (they hope) complete control over all the Earth.
In seeking to understand and evaluate these demonic workings, we should not allow ourselves to be overwhelmed by them to the point of hopelessness, for Our Lord has assured us that is He is in complete and total control. He is true to His Word and every covenant that He has made He will uphold. The process going on today is akin to giving a suspected man enough rope so that he will in the end hang himself.
The author and Cambridge scholar, C.S. Lewis, is well known for his series of children’s stories, featuring the imaginary kingdom of Narnia. However, he also wrote books with a Christian message such as ‘Mere Christianity’ and ‘That Hideous Strength.’ The latter of these, also written in storybook style, pictures a sinister conspiracy involving the collusion between the medical, educational, and political establishments. It was written in 1945 and amended in 1955 and formed a connection with an earlier work entitled ‘The Abolition of Man’. It exactly foreshadows that which is happening today. We cannot emphasise too much – do not play the games of the evil ones – and most certainly do not allow yourselves to be so-called vaccinated against any imaginary perceived threat. In Britain people are being encouraged to have jabs against all sorts of complaints such as measles, scabies, shingles and a new kid on the block – respiratory syncytial virus. This drive to force dubious medication on us is totally diabolical. The Lord tells us that our bodies are the temples of the Holy Spirit. They must be treated with total respect, and we must NOT allow ourselves to be converted into mindless robots, the ultimate aim of our new dark lords.
We are instructed “not to be conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” (Romans 12:2)