Trust and Believe
![Trust and Believe](
Whatever or whoever is behind the Corona virus outbreak, and whether its ‘release’ into society was deliberate or accidental, you can rest assured that the Lord God Almighty knew about it – long before it was ever conceived! Remember, He knows all things, and He knows the end from the beginning. So, to this extent we need not fear, but rather we must keep faith and trust in Him at all times.
“Be still, and know that I Am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth, The LORD of hosts is with us: the God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah.” (Psalm 46:10-11)
“Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. Trust ye in the LORD for ever: for in the LORD JEHOVAH is everlasting strength.’ (Isaiah 26:3-4)
As I write these words at the very end of March, Great Britain and Northern Ireland (along with other countries) are in a ‘lockdown’ situation, as the government tries to slow down the spread of this virus. We are living in very strange times. Our city centres and towns are quiet with all but essential workers being told to stay home. It all seems very unreal, and to some, perhaps frightening.
But I am convinced that everything that is happening is running to the Lord’s own timescale. He knows what will happen – and when! And it is all contained and controlled, within His unfolding plan. For example, on the 31st of January this year, Britain officially left the European Union – and if we cast our mind back to the middle of 2019, we remember the turmoil in the Houses of Parliament, as the forces of darkness did all they could to stop our exit from taking place. Even up to 12th December, the day of the election, we were promised a hung parliament and that ensuing disarray that would result. But it worked out very well, with a landslide victory for Prime Minister Boris Johnson, and our much-awaited release soon followed. But, what if this virus had occurred during 2019? (And as things turned out, the date of our official release was only just prior to the virus ‘arriving’ in the UK, with our `lockdown’ coming into effect two months later)?
Now, another thing to note, is that the three-week lockdown, takes us up to, and includes Easter. (And may possibly be extended). So, we are under instructions to ‘stay at home’ during the time of ‘Passover’. I find this very interesting. The first Passover, we remember was the time when the Israelites were told to stay in their homes overnight, having placed the blood of the sacrificial lamb on the lintels and side posts of their doors, while the angel of death passed over the land of Egypt. This of course foreshadowed the great sacrifice of the Holy Lamb of God, Jesus Christ, our Saviour, which likewise occurred at this same time in the calendar.
Perhaps we should also consider; “Come, My people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors about thee: hide thyself as it were for a little moment, until the indignation be overpast. For, behold, the LORD cometh out of His place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity: the earth also shall disclose her blood, and shall no more cover her slain.”(Isaiah 26:20-21).
Is our current situation a forerunner of that moment, or will it actually become it? In the UK’s coming out of the Babylonian EU, which is undoubtedly ordained by God, I believe that all of the Israelite peoples will likewise be brought forth from Babylonian control. The EU represents the revealed face of modern Babylon, but our whole world system is based and functions on a Babylonian premise. Britain’s coming forth was the catalyst for all of the Israel peoples release, and the sorting of the sheep from the goats. God’s hand is in all of these happenings!
In this year of 2020, shall our eyes be opened as to who we are? In optician’s language 2020 signifies perfect vision. In Biblical numerology-, 20 is expectancy – but we have a double 20, which means it is a definite expectancy. Expectancy is ‘waiting’. Well, here in the UK, 2020 is a transition year as we await a trade deal to be finalised between us and the EU by 31st December this year. Interestingly, the corona virus has seen much ‘trading’ brought to a (temporary) halt, with many shops and businesses shutting down in the “lockdown”. And if we add together the two 20’s we get 40 which “… is associated with a period of probation, trial, and chastisement it is the product of 5 and 8, and points to the action of grace (5), leading to and ending in revival and renewal (8).” (See E.W. Bulinger’s ‘Number in Scripture).
So, we have a two-fold situation; The Lord has delivered Britain from the EU – but for what – to suffer at the hands of a potentially lethal virus sweeping the world?
Let us look back at when the Children of Israel came forth out of Egypt, following that first Passover after the Israelites had come forth from Egypt, but before they crossed the Red Sea; – “On the sixteenth day of the first month the children of Israel slept at Succoth, before breaking camp to march on to Etham where they pitched camp before it became dark. (And) it was on this day that something wonderful happened, namely, the first appearance of the pillar of cloud which was to remain with them until they reached the land of Promise.” (so relates’ Dr. Michael D. Bennett in his amazing book The Exodus’). This was before the miracle of crossing the Red Sea, and at a time when the Egyptians, in hot pursuit of the Israelites, had all but caught up with them.
Thus, God took control! Openly! So, will we start to see God’s intervention in today’s world in a big and unmistakable way now? “And Moses said unto the people, Fear ye not, stand still, and see the salvation of the LORD, which He will shew to you to day…”. (Ex 14:13)
We do not know exactly where things are going with this corona pestilence. I should like to think it will disappear as suddenly as it arrived – let us pray so. But whatever unfolds let us Trust and Believe in the Power and Mercy of the LORD, and know that; “…And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the Name of the LORD shall be delivered; for in mount Zion and in Jerusalem shall be deliverance, as the LORD bath said, and in the remnant, whom the LORD shall call.” (Joel 2:32)
Amen to that, and may God bless us all.