The Lust For Power

When you think about this passage, you can’t help but look back throughout history and see nations with ambitious leaders reaching pinnacles of power through conquest of other nations, then ultimately fading into the pages of history. Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Greece and Rome quickly come to mind, and in modern times, there was France under Napaleon, Germany, first under Kaiser William, then Hitler, Austria-Hungary under the Hapsburg Dynasty, Italy under Mussolini and the Japanese under its military rulers. Even the British Empire, built up more through colonization than conquest, has all but disinigrated through the efforts of evil men wanting to establish the ultimate empire, a worldwide one.
Today, we have Russia, which Bible students know was turned back, as prophesied by Ezekiel in Chapter 38:4, when she lost her satellite countries, but is still awaiting the hooks in her jaw to bring her forward again into battle. A leopard never changes its spots, nor has Russia lost her desire for conquest. We see it emerging with the Ukraine. China has become a military and economic giant, with a seemingly great thirst for conquest, beginning with Taiwan. India too is becoming a giant among countries and Mid-East nations are longing for revenge. What is common amongst all these powers is a total contempt for the Western Israel nations and for the Modern Israeli State, seen as a partner of the west. The breakout of war between Israel and the Iranian backed Hamas and Hezbollah is only a prelude to a world conflict that threatens to erupt in 2024.
Then we have Britain and America and what can we make of them? It is clear to everyone now that over the past few decades, they have become aggressor nations, with a huge price tag being paid by their soldiers and their taxpayers. This time the prize is power and money and her ambitious rulers are coveting those markets with an eye for more power and prosperity for the ruling class of corporate giants and the select group of politicians and insiders. It’s Mystery Babylon at the height of its power.
So sad, because True Israel’s God given role was to be the defender against evil aggression, always the defender of righteousness. You see, despite our many faults and backsliding for the past two thousand years, it has been the Christian Anglo-Saxon world that has stood against evil nations and while often alone and overwhelmingly outnumbered, we have fought for the freedom of man’s spirit wherever it was challenged. Not so now! Going against God, as we have, will bring about His warning that we shall be scourged with rods for our backsliding, meaning that we shall pay a price for what we are now doing.
The Anglo-Saxon world has been dominent for so long that we failed to see the combined might of other nations that have crept up on us. We have been so conditioned that we cannot see the forest for the trees, that is, the rot that has taking place internally. We can no longer deny it or pretend that the power and prosperity we once enjoyed, in recent times as a result of our nations living far beyond our means, is a sign of our weakened strength. We can continue to think we are doing the right thing by declaring the equality of all gods or boost political correctness in the face of all evidence to the contrary. We can continue to shut our eyes to the wisdom of the Bible or continue to water down that wisdom in an attempt to prove we are compassionate people. But, the old expression, “the jig is up” should be plainly on the lips of every Israelite, and every Israelite should be on their knees praying for forgiveness.
Of course, despite those who believe there is a huge revival coming, Israelites won’t go to their knees until catastrophe strikes, that is, the scourging with rods for our backsliding and dangerous ways. It always amazes me that our Christian leaders have shut their eyes to what is going on in the world and how it is affecting our nations. Yet, as Lamentations 2:9 tells us, “her prophets obtain no vision from the Lord” or as Psalm 74:9 relates, “We do not see our symbols; there is no longer any prophet…”
In past articles, I’ve mentioned Ezekiel 7 but let’s review just three of the significant passages of this chapter.
Verse 23 “….for the land is full of bloody crimes, and the city is full of violence.”
Verse 12 “The time is come, the day draweth near”
Verse 8 “Now will I shortly pour out my fury upon thee, and accomplish mine anger upon thee: and I will judge thee according to thy ways, and will recompense thee for all thine abominations.”
So, even though God said, ‘Ye are My people. Ye shall not perish from the face of the earth,’ we are in for a thumping and later in Ezekiel 38, God identifies the nations He will use as His instrument. We have to ask, “Is He making them ready now?” “Has He given them a collective power far beyond anything True Israel has encountered in its history?” Could Russia, with its return to centralization, China, thirsting for power and the Islam world, looking for revenge, even come together in a co-operative effort, given their differing motivating factors?” It sure looks like they are! You might ask, Would they be daft enough to come against the most formidable military power ever known? Or has God a little surprise ahead for Britain and America that could lead to an unplanned weakening of our military strength?”
Somehow, God has it all planned. All we have been provided with are signs. We could be misjudging the signs of today, just as Israelites before us thought the signs were right in their day. Yet, the world today seems closer to Biblical prophesy than ever before and because our stewards have failed to stay aligned with God’s Word, they just can’t see the danger that is strewn along the road ahead. Or can they? We can only look at their likely plan behind the economic morass or the depopulation strategies as examples.
There has to be a trigger to begin the whole sordid mess and some suggest that Iran may be the fuse. Their hate of the west, their distain for the weak leadership of the Anglo-Saxon counties, their cozying up to like-minded nations of China and Russia and their vast wealth has given them the confidence to light that fuse.
But it has already been lit in another direction, remember our previous article on Ezekiel 38. It was the Word of God that came to Ezekiel and told him about two invasions against True Israel lands, one from the north and one from the south. The one from the south has been underway for many months now and was possible because of weak leadership in America, Canada and the UK. Let’s just talk about America. Under the weak leadership of President Biden, millions of illegal immigrants from over 150 nations have flooded that nations, including all sorts of irrepable people who are attuned to violence, who avoid the border by sneaking across. Read all of Ezekiel 38:10-12 for a full undestanding but note that verse 11 clearly states the invaders are coming up to the land of unwalled villages and verse 12 gives the reason, “to take a spoil and to take a prey. It’s the great wealth of the nation they will plunder.
Further tribulations are bound to come. Yet, the punishment can be minimized if we open our hearts to our Saviour Jesus Christ. If we pay attention to the words of the apostles and the prophets, and equip ourselves with the strength of divine promise.