The Endurance Race
“We are probably living in the most challenging times you and I have ever experienced. Words escape me to be able to describe what I see, hear and feel. The endurance race has begun”.
When I read these words from a reader, they reinforced my own thoughts that we are in the midst of a time of great trouble and there seems no way to return by ourselves. Some might suggest we have been there before, perhaps even to a greater or lessor degree, yet the trouble always seemed to pass. Still, in my humble view, it will not this time. The Satanic plan or Man’s system, whatever you want to call it, is reaching a crescendo and has only the two to two and a half more years of the seventh prophetic hour to afflict great havoc on the world. If you recall my articles on the first six prophetic hours of 15 years, each one confiscated great wealth from the Israel nations and each one has brought greater control and loss of freedoms to all of us. Again, in my view, this seventh prophetic hour, in particular, has more planned for us than in all the past six prophetic hours (or 90 years) combined. Just remember, it was reported that by the time the sixth prophetic year passed in 2008, 5 trillion in pension money, real estate values, savings and bonds had disappeared. That will be like chump change in this seventh prophetic hour.
Two to two and a half years to 2023! Could this be so? The year 2020 was certainly no picnic and has carried on in this year of 2021. One thing is for certain, at least to me, there is a bright light for those of us who pass through this tribulation of the next two and a half years. Yet, frighteningly, as Jeremiah 30:7 told of this time, “Alas, for that day is great, so that none is like it: it is even the time of Jacob’s trouble; ….” I will stop his wording here, because the beginning of Daniel 12:1 is equally frighteningly, “And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time ….” Some said Michael is an Archangel, others that it is Christ Himself, but it does not matter because Daniel 12 refers to a time of trouble on a scale never seen before.
There will be voices raised that say “nonsense”, for after all, among other tragedies the Israel World has borne, have been two twentieth wars that took many millions of lives and countless other smaller conflicts. How could today’s greatest enemy, the Covid 19, compare to past tragedies, like the Spanish Flu disaster of 1918-22? Still, is there a difference? Like, is Covid 19 the growing weapon that some say is being employed to instill such fear in our nations that will easily permit the Satanic forces to achieve the greatest rape and criminal endeavour of all times? Is the masking, the social distancing, the lockdowns, unemployment, reliance on handouts, isolation demands, closing of churches and so on, only the tip of the iceberg? If this is at all possible, we can only fear what looms ahead!
Fear! Quite possibly the greatest enemy of man? And people are sure frightened now. You can tell this from walking anywhere in the Israel nations and, as our reader began this article, by seeing a sea of masks, hearing scared voices and the feeling of the pangs of legislation designed to keep us locked up in our own homes. These signs are perhaps only the early stages of what is to come. Someone sent me an internet connection to a Robert Kennedy message (he is the nephew of the late president, John F. Kennedy), a message about Covid and freedom. In it, he quoted one of the monsters around Hitler in WW2, Herman Goring, who committed suicide the evening before he was to be executed, having been found guilty in the Nuremberg trials. Anyway, Goring was asked how the proud, independent, and forceful German people were transformed into almost obedient slaves. His reply is shocking, as we relate it to what is taking place in our nations today, he said, “The job of government is to put the people in fear. And if you can keep them in fear you can get them to do anything you want them to do”.
Hopefully, this is not the plan of our own governments. Yet, Daniel did quote Michael as saying, “…. there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time …” And Jeremiah did quote the Lord, “Alas, for that day is great, so that none is like it: it is even the time of Jacob’s trouble; ….” So, buckle up, if Jeremiah 30 and Daniel 1 are prophecies, we are in for trouble, trouble and more trouble. How long it lasts is really anybody’s guess. Certainly, as I mentioned in previous articles, many economic experts are predicting a massive economic turndown, and some are suggesting that war is not that far in the future. That is certainly not good news but if we do have only two to two and a half years left in the seventh prophetic hour, events could unfold very quickly, particularly if True Israel’s rulers adopt a weaker and more conciliatory stance with nations that have shown great animosity toward us.
But there is good news on the horizon. God finishes his Jeremiah 30:7 with these words, “but he shall be saved out of it”, meaning Israel and Judah. Michael, in Daniel 1, finishes his words with, “and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book”. [including all Christians]
So, we still have to hang on! For between now and that horizon, I believe the enemies of Christ will still have their heyday as the screws on our freedom and on Christianity will be tightened even further and these enemies will have their way and their sought-after reward, as the seventh prophetic hour draws to a close. Sadly, I believe we must go through this further tribulation, but, happily, with the firm belief that the following eighth prophetic hour will unveil an exciting new beginning for true Christians.
I like how Evangelist Ed Vallowe described the number eight. He said the number eight always means a new beginning, That, it is the number of a new creation. When Jesus will return during this prophetic hour is, of course, unknown, but He was resurrected very early in the third day, so perhaps this will be the pattern. Remember, when He described the events of His Return in Matthew 24, He said, “And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened”. (Verse 22)
Psalm 91, James 5:1-6 and elsewhere in the Holy Bible depicts how the wicked, whether they be in government, the corporate world, Media, Hollywood, Churchdom or anywhere, will get their just deserts. As James wrote, “You have lived on earth in luxury and self-indulgence. You have fattened yourselves in the day of [your] slaughter.” By the way, there are many wealthy people who do much good, these are not the unscrupulous rich to whom the Bible refers.
There will be a New Birth, make no mistake about that. Each of us probably have a different view as to when, but for me, I see the unfolding of the Kingdom age coming shortly after the eighth prophetic hour is in progress. That is, sometime early in the 15-year time period.
Shall I end with some good news. Earlier, I quoted Jeremiah 30:7 in two parts: that is, “we are in the time of Jacob’s trouble, but we shall be saved out of it”. Well, verse 8 is a great promise from the Lord because all that freedom that was taken from us; all that bondage we have been subjected to, will be at its end. And that yoke that Jacob prophesied in Genesis 27:40 would be taken from Esau’s neck; was, in the course of time, subsequently placed upon Jacob’s neck, I believe this took place at the time of Jacob’s trouble; probably coinciding with the Esau Dominion that began in the early 1800’s. Well, that is going to end too. In Jeremiah’s fabulous prophecy, the Lord tells us, “For it shall come to pass in that day, saith the LORD of hosts, that I will break his yoke from off thy neck, and will burst thy bonds, and strangers shall no more serve themselves of him”.
Hallelujah, brothers and sisters in Christ, we have not long to wait before the endurance race is over.