Letter of the Month December 2016

Sometimes, a letter from a reader describes what is going on far better than I can, like this one received a couple of weeks ago from North Carolina. She wrote: “I just wanted to thank you for your faithfulness in sending out your monthly magazine. It is one thing I look forward to!
One thing I notice in this day we live – the alarm has rung, but no one realizes it is an alarm. It’s an “unfamiliar” sound because this generation has not been taught what we know. Truth is lost in one generation! Try talking to our young people today of this Israel Truth…they will gaze at you like you’re speaking a foreign language.
As we were discussing at our Sunday morning service, the earth is filled with false prophets. If we read our Scripture, we find there is NO revival following wickedness. There was judgment. People everywhere are talking revival, and it is the same people who are the false prophets. People don’t want to hear the word “JUDGMENT”.
I believe God’s people are hungry for truth, but as the Scripture states, there will be a famine for the Word of God. God’s Word is conditional and generally states “IF”. “If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land.” We must do our part!
One last thought!
As I watch the events of today, I see the hatred towards our Israel nations. Just as Abraham’s sons had one common thread, they all felt cheated out of the birthright and hated Isaac. That hatred continues today.
Oh, Lord, come quickly”.