King Charles III and His Judah-Israelisitish Pedigree

No sooner was our beloved late queen buried than the assault on the institution of the monarchy began anew. Republicans and anti-royalists had been biding their time, recognizing that as long as the popular Queen Elizabeth II lived, there was no chance of undermining her rule. Her successor, King Charles III, has a significant task ahead as he wins the hearts of his people. Polls have found that over half of British citizens under 30 years of age would like to see the dissolution of the monarchy.
One of our local liberal Detroit city newspapers has already published an editorial titled, “The Last Monarch.” The writer, an Egyptian-born Muslim immigrant, sees nothing of value, stating that the monarchy is “the living embodiment of the history and legacy of one of the world’s most ruthless, expansive global empires. Make no mistake, the British crown is a parasitic anachronism.” He asks, “What value does the monarchy serve?”
The usual answer is that the royalty is a time-honored continuation of British heritage. Yet that is a fairly feeble response in the eyes of many, especially the young. In fact, only the key provided by British-Israel understanding gives an unequivocal answer to those who would undermine or eliminate the British royalty. We assert that the present king of Great Britain is a direct descendant of biblical King David and inheritor of the divine rulership over the House of Israel. David’s descendants were indeed promised rulership over an expansive global empire: “…thou shalt reign over many nations, but they shall not reign over thee”(Deut. 15:6). We have seen this fulfilled in history.
It has often been reported that the late Queen Victoria knew of her direct line of descent from the Biblical King David. Two mainstream British publications, the Leeds Daily News and Vanity Fair Magazine both reported on this in 1894, as reported at the time in the British-Israel journal, The Banner of Israel, vol. 18, pages 298, 409, 482. The classic book on the subject, “The Royal House of Britain An Enduring Dynasty” has now been reprinted in Great Britain ( This is an excellent resource detailing the British royal family’s descent from King David, prepared originally by the Rev. F.R.A. Glover with the assistance of Queen Victoria.
The following appeared in Vanity Fair of July 19, 1894. What Vanity Fair wrote was this: “As I have once before pointed out, the Queen of England has some sort of faith in at least one theory of those who have built up the modern story of the lost tribes – namely, that which seeks to prove her Majesty’s descent from David, king of Israel, through the eldest daughter of Zedekiah, who with her sister, fled to Ireland in charge of Jeremiah, the prophet. This lady was afterwards married to one Heremon, a king in Ulster. In the royal family tree – which is among the most sacred possessions of the Queen – David’s name is engrossed at the root, while the name of the Torah is on a topmost bow that is shot from the great parent stem.”
“When a certain Mr. [F.R.A.] Glover, a clergyman of the Anglican Church, addressed the Queen on the subject about the year 1869, her Majesty sent for him to Windsor, and to his astonishment, informed him that what he thought he had been the first (with infinite research) to discover, had been known to herself and the Prince Consort for many years. The Queen then caused the Royal Family tree, which is a very sacred object to her Majesty and her sons and daughters, to be shown him; and here Mr. Glover found various missing links that he had been vainly seeking. David’s name he discovered engrossed at the root of the tree, and the name of Victoria in a remote topmost branch; yet, for all that, in an unbroken straight line, all other lines having apparently ended centuries ago.”
The Banner of Israel reported on the Queen’s royal biblical descent as follows: “We are glad to know that Queen Victoria has faith in one phase at least of the modern story of the lost tribes. If she cherishes the belief that her ancestors were of the house of David, then to make that belief valuable or “a sacred possession to her Majesty,” she must know why a Judahite monarch must needs reign over the house of Israel forever. She must know that her throne is as secure as the throne of God himself, because he guaranteed it and promised that “David shall never want a man [or woman] in his sight to sit on the throne of the house of Israel.” (I Kings 8:25, R.V.; Jeremiah 33:17, 26, R.V.; 2 Samuel 7:25, R.V.) Herein is granted to the house of Israel a splendid blessing, since it conveys to them the assurance that they shall ever remain under a monarchy, that monarchy being already the oldest in Europe, and destined to last forever, according to the prophecies just quoted…we rejoice to think that her Majesty shares our belief to some extent in reference to our nation’s identity with the lost tribes.”
First Chronicles 5:2 says, “For Judah prevailed above his brethren, and of him came the chief ruler…” Yet not just one king, but a royal succession, as clarified in the Amplified Version: “Judah prevailed above his brethren, and from him came the prince and leader [and eventually the Messiah].” The rulership over Israel would therefore be a line of kings in an unbroken succession (Jer. 33:17), until Christ comes to claim the throne as His own at His return: “…out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting”
(Hos. 5:2; cf. Jer. 23:5-6).
The British royal family has been traced in an unbroken line back to King David of Israel, and the throne is sacrosanct by divine decree. God’s divine promises cannot be abrogated by man. The growing assault upon the royal throne of David in Great Britain is a sure sign of the end-times and return of our Lord. Let us take comfort in the promises. God save the king, and may God have the glory!