Jesus Will Come!

There is something amiss in our old world today. People are frightened! Terrorist actions are certainly part of their fear; as is the growing distrust for government; and the economic prospects that are great for some but dismal for millions; or crime and drug epidemics that seem out of hand; or the fact that legal and illegal immigration are but some of what is changing the value-system of the Israel nations and finally then, there are the seemingly prospects for worldwide war. Still, if we want to examine what has gone wrong, we can pinpoint the biggest reason, “Christian values and beliefs are being shunted aside”. Rarely is the Bible read anymore and in this day of warped values, it is under attack itself.

Many years ago, a National Message A.R. Heaver editorial included a statement from a headmaster of a successful secondary school. He was quoted, “The age of faith is dead. Why do you want to revive it?” It’s even deader now, but as I see it, on the whole, people don’t want to revive it, they are content to accept all the new changes in our society and follow a faith that is all inclusive. Unity! It’s the call today.
The article of yesteryear went on, “We should not be surprised that the AGE OF FAITH IS DEAD OR DYING, for “the faith once delivered unto the saints” is ultimately wrapped up in the prophecies of the BIBLE concerning the promises made to the fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
Yet, [and particularly these days we are in now] they [the prophecies] have become more than meaningless in the eyes of most of True Israel who are being taught by today’s theologians to regard the integrity of the Scriptures as being discredited”.
Heaver, a noted Bible scholar, suggested “that when belief in the literal truth of the Bible was maintained, it was possible for the people to accept an interpretation of the prophecies, even if it was only a spiritual interpretation.” He added, “But once belief in the fundamental inspiration of the Bible is swept away, it becomes impossible for people to accept with certainty either a material or a spiritual interpretation. Thus, the defence of the modern theologians that the Scriptures still have a spiritual value is confounded.”
The cold hard fact is that in this spiritual faith, they are removing from faith the very foundation of prophecy. Remember, some scholars believe that over 80% of the Bible is prophetic in nature. Fortunately, we in the Israel Truth movement are aware of this and so can see God’s Plan in action in a much clearer way.
Still, we must not lose this perspective. If we don’t, we will be included in those few who Jesus will find set apart, “When the Son of Man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?” (Luke 18:8)

Another great scholar, Howard B. Rand, likened the study of prophecy to a life-long task. He said that even the best students in the Israel Truth movement will fall short of understanding it in many of its ramifications. He made this claim because his view of prophecy itself is that because of its very nature, and in order that it may not defeat its own end, is often couched in such terms that it is impossible to understand may of its details until the time comes for its fulfillment. And, he wrote, even then it may not be made clear until later when events can be reviewed in retrospect.
Then he gave us the true purpose of prophecy. That prophecy has not been given to men to make them prophets but rather for the purpose of confirming God’s Word and the Word of His Son, and thus enable men who walk by faith to know and recognize the truth. So, it goes without saying that the majority of theologians secure little or no comfort from prophecy, and in their failure to see fulfillment as anticipated because they lack faith, they will continue to walk in the darkness of unbelief. They will not understand Jesus’ statement to His Disciples, “Behold, I have told you before”. (Matthew 24:25)