Greed (One Thing Counts)
The above title comes from the libretto of the stage show “Oliver”, based on the Dickens novel “Oliver Twist”. The full line being, ‘In this life, one thing counts, in the bank large amounts.’
In 1 Timothy, Chapter 6, verse 10, it states that ‘The love of money is the root of all evil.’ It is of course a very well-known saying, and we all accept its veracity, do we not? But if we take a moment to think, surely, we will reason that other things should claim this pinnacle of attention. What about hatred (leading to violence and murder, even genocide); or lust (leading to adultery and family breakdown); or pride (leading to blindness, foolishness, and utter humiliation.) Surely these are greater sins than loving money, something we all need in some measure to survive. However, if we consult Strong’s Concordance, we find that there are no such individual words recorded as simply “love” or “money”. The phrase that is translated is the composite “love of money”, or as Tyndale’s New Testament states “covetousness”. Now this refers not so much as to the love of money, per se, but to things that money can buy, a slight but significant emphasis. And the things that money can buy go far beyond material possessions, and include power, influence, eminence, control, fame, adulation, and respect. It is power that is coveted rather than just mere money.
I have in a previous article suggested that technology which had considerably eased the physical burdens of life, up to the time of Concorde, had since its demise, become increasingly the bane of all truly rational and intelligent life, with its totally unnecessary complications and edicts. This occurred almost at the same time as the so-called Twin Towers terrorist attack and the ensuing so-called War on Terror, which included an illegal and criminal invasion and destruction of a sovereign nation. In much the same way the final phase of the rot and corruption of our financial systems set in, in the year 2000 AD. At this time the President of the USA and leader of the Federal Reserve conspired in the name of equality, inclusivity and diversity to allow poor white, black and Hispanic people to apply for house loans which they could not possibly repay if interest rates rose. This was the time of the sub-prime mortgage scandal, and when these loans started to default, the criminal American banks parcelled up these bad debts with a modicum of safe exposures and slyly sold them on to European and World banks as safe investments. With the help of rating agencies such as Standard & Poor which falsely gave them triple AAA ratings.
This venal and duplicitous action was to lead directly to the Credit Crunch of 2007AD which decimated the world economy and destroyed thousands of businesses. Stock Markets were always run by people who were professional gamblers, but now the whole sector was in free-fall. This was a spectacular outcome of the Lord’s warning that you cannot worship both Almighty God and Mammon. The world has still not recovered from this cataclysmic event and part 2 cannot be far away. For be in no doubt, the so-called financial institutions are front and centre of the efforts to defraud ordinary people and railroad them into a wicked evil society where all of Almighty God’s most sacred laws are violated and mocked. Are these evil cabals going to suffer the most heinous destructions – yes, you can bank on it!
Even in the time of the Lord Jesus, the fraudsters and thieves were busy cheating people, even within the confines of the Temple itself. Jesus threw them out in one of his very few violent outbursts against such iniquity.
Now Almighty God had promised the Israel nations great prosperity, power and influence if only they would obey His Commandments and not follow the diktats of the world. And so it came to pass that in the year 1558 AD, the great Queen Elizabeth 1st began her reign, after the unlamented death of “bloody” Queen Mary, who in just 5 years had had over 300 Protestants burnt at the stake. Queen Elizabeth’s speech at Tilbury is one of the most famous in history and her refusal to bow down before the Spanish Warlord Philip 2nd is an exceptional example of true faith.
Sadly, since then, amongst other things, the Bank of England was created (in 1694) and like the US Federal Reserve (created in 1913 in shady deals on Hoboken Island, New York) it is a private company. Yet we have sold our souls to such institutions, which were partly created to finance future wars. War and High finance are common bedfellows. No wonder that Donald Trump was so hated for NOT starting new and unnecessary conflicts. In addition, it has recently been revealed that Coutts Bank in London has cancelled the account of Nigel Farage, progenitor of Brexit, because it deplored his political views. This is nothing short of outrageous and similar to a communist controlled country. It has also emerged that all our banks have signed up to Corporate, Social, Governance, where they are being led by such globalist institutions as Blackrock, under the leadership of hidden secretive personalities.
We have effectively been told that we have no real freedom, or so they think.
Today, our people are mesmerised by the apostles of greed and their virulent offspring, Fraud, Gambling and Hoarding. The Bible warns against storing treasures up on Earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt. Largely because it indicates a lack of faith in the provision of the Lord. Many people, not necessarily poor, indulge in gambling in national lotteries, most of which give a goodly amount to what they call ‘good causes.’ Yet examination of some of these often reveals that they are NOT good at all but subversive organisations which would never dare ask for money direct. As for fraud, it is endemic, and no vaccinations have been offered against it!! But that does not detract from the fact that Universal Fraud (which is what we have now) is a deadly disease.
Let us close with the encouraging words to be found in the final verses of Psalm 37 :-
“I have seen the wicked in great power, and spreading himself like a green bay tree
Yet he passed away and was not, Yea I sought him, but he could not be found.
Mark the perfect man and behold the upright, for the end of that man is peace.
But the transgressors shall be destroyed together, the end of the wicked shall be cut off.
But the salvation of the righteous is of the Lord, He is their strength in the time of trouble.
He shall deliver them from the wicked and save them,