God’s Inheritance

The writer wonders just how many people truly understand what this verse of Scripture is actually saying. Probably not many.
To begin with, this Scripture is usually incomplete when quoted. Most preachers seem to end the quote after “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.” Nothing whatsoever is said about God’s inheritance. But the first part of the verse goes hand in hand with the second. They are together a part of one complete thought. Those who only quote the first part of the verse usually do so to exhort their congregation to draw nigh unto God. In other words, they are saying, “If we, as a nation, would honour God as our Lord, then He would bless us.”
Now, there is nothing wrong with that message, and we would agree with that logic — but that is notwhat this verse is saying.
Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord! No action is required of the nation. They are blessed — and they are so because they are the people whom God has chosen for His own inheritance. They have been chosen above all people to be God’s special treasure.
But just who is this nation? To answer that question, we must first determine what the word “nation” here means.
The Hebrew word for nation in Psalm 33:12 is the word éBb, goi, which has a broad meaning. Goi could mean people, heathen or even cattle. Not very specific. Greek is a more precise language, and that is why the Septuagint is important in having a better understanding of some Old Testament passages. The Septuagint is the Old Testament written in the Greek language.
It was written from the 3rd to 1st centuries BC and was in use at the time of Christ. In the Septuagint, the Greek word used for “nation”in Psalm 33:12 is §2<@l, ethnos, meaning a particular race of people. Much more specific.
To add even greater clarity, we read on to find that the word used for “people”in Psalm 33:12 is the word 8″`l, laos, meaning one’s own people, family, kindred, people who are racially and familiarly the same. So, the nation spoken of here is a race of people, not a racially mixed group. People who are all of the same race and of the same family.
Not only that, but it was also God’s personal “choice”that this family should be His very own possession, His own inheritance, in whom He delights. The word “chosen”in Psalm 33:12 in the Septuagint is the word g>g8X>”J@ exelexato. The same word is found in Ephesians 1:4, and is speaking of the same people and the same choice. It means that in the ancient past God chose a people, out from among all other people, that would be His very own special treasure. The word is past tense and is middle voice, meaning that it was a selfish choice. He made the choice that He made not based upon anyone or anything other than His own desire, so this racial family cannot boast in themselves, but rather, may only glory in the choice of the Almighty! “Blessed is the family whom God hath long ago chosen for His own inheritance.”
History makes it clear that we are that people, that family, whom God has chosen as His own inheritance. Our White European people descend from the Scythians, who in turn descend from the Sakka. According to the inscription at Behistun, the Sakka are also called the Gimiri. The Gimiri were also known as the Khumri, which was the name that the Assyrians gave the Israelites. Have you ever wondered why all traditionally White countries have been known as the Christian nations of the world since the time of Christ? It is because we are the people of the Book — God’s Israel people — God’s inheritance!
Our tribal standards are ever before Him (Ezekiel 1:10, 10:14 and Revelation 4:7), and on the gates of that Holy City, the New Jerusalem, are the names of our ancestor Jacob’s sons (Revelation 21:12). He loves us and we are the apple of His eye.
How blessed we are! And that not of ourselves — we have not earned this blessing through glorious deed or our own virtue — it is the choice of God, lest any man should boast. Let us, therefore, determine that we will henceforth live for the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, strength and mind!