From the The Editors Desk – April 2019

The undernoted article appeared in the Kingdom Digest Publication, “The Kingdom in our Midst. I believe it was written by Michael Clark, President of BIWF, UK. Mr. Clark is probably the leading scholar of Bible prophecy today and is particularly versed in the field of Bible numerics.
“As was revealed by those making the BBC documentary to mark the 65th anniversary of the 1953 Coronation, when told they could not film above St Edward’s Crown – it was explained this was because: “Only God is above the Crown.”
We should note that 65 is the number of years given for Ephraim-Britain to be admonished/judged by Almighty God (Isaiah 7:8). [Ed: The last part of verse 8 is “and within threescore and five years shall Ephraim be broken, that it not be a people”]
The European Union, with stealth, has exalted itself above the Crown and Almighty God over 45 years, in conflict with unrepealed Statute Law, which Constitutional illegality will be removed, and sovereignty restored bringing things into due state on 29 March 2019, when the government of the United Kingdom has stated it will leave the EU. Interestingly 65 days later will be 2 June 2019, the anniversary of the 1953 Coronation.
Ed: Adding to Mr. Clark’s revealing article, a past president of ACP, Jacob W. Parker, replied to a reader’s question way back in 1940, “Will there always be an England”. He wrote, “YES, THERE WILL ALWAYS be an England because the Bible, whose author is Almighty God declares this to be a fact. In his article, Mr. Parker went on, “When Israel was thriving in, the midst of her greatest period of prosperity, God spoke to David respecting great things that were then far in the future and concerning which only the generations that followed could possibly have a direct interest. God’s words are found in 1 Sam. 7:10, “Moreover, I will appoint a place for My people, Israel, and will plant them, that they may dwell in a place of their own and move no more; neither shall the children of wickedness afflict them any more as beforetime.”
In the verse that follows, God declares to him concerning the Royal line or House of David that God is going to set up to rule over the people of Israel. We all know that God has set up the House of David and that the ruling House of Britain is directly descended from that source. God has done that; we have reason to believe that God also has fulfilled the promise of verse 10. Naturally these two promises go together from their associated place in Scripture and from their relationship to each other. The Kingly House to rule over the people and the land or place in which they are to reside.
The House of David and the land were to be perpetually associated for all time and that being so, there can be no question as to the continuity of Britain where the House is found. This is not unknown to the family of His Majesty. This was the unquestioned faith of his Great Grandmother, Queen Victoria. It is the highest authority in the British Realm.”
Ed. So, it will be interesting to see how this year plays out.
I’m told that a number of our readers are using the link on our website to the Israel Truth’s newest website message, “Understanding God’s Laws” developed by Jeff and Vickie Casillo. It’s not often that we pay tribute to individuals but these two are devoted servants to God, who are doing a fine job in spreading His Word. In return, God has blessed them in so many ways, including family and business. They believe that if the lessons make a positive change in just one person and that the angels have rejoiced, then their goal will have been achieved. Jeff added, “God called us to study and write about Old Testament Commandments, Laws, and Statutes as we have had wonderful teachers, who have assisted us along the way. Unfortunately, these laws, commandments, and statutes are no longer talked about, preached about, and followed. They are very relevant, and they need to be followed.”
I asked Jeff what are some of his concerns, he replied – I read an interesting editorial in the local newspaper yesterday that I wish to share—”Society should not judge our ancestors: this generation is worse—How can this society, this generation, pass judgment of the previous generations? We vilify men and their character based on what thoughts we glean from reading of historical books, lessons learned from “teachers” about this country’s past.” You know, Slavery is the evilest institution brought about by mankind. According to, there is an estimate 40.3 million people enslaved today, 10 million which are children. What are we doing about that? Nothing! This generation has no business of judging the acts or actions of our forefathers. The sins of this generation are far worse. We condone abortion: 41 million worldwide, according to Worldometers. We spew evil and hate for our elected officials and law enforcement. God has clearly stated we are to honor all those in authority; no matter their political affiliation. We deem ourselves better than our forefathers? This generation is far more evil and wicked than those of the past. We have no room to judge because we fail to see the beam in our own eyes.” Ed. Good thoughts, Jeff.