We receive many pieces of correspondence both via email and regular postal mail usually with one thing in common, passion. It seems with each new Thy Kingdom Come magazine we put out, or new articles we’ve added to our website, evoke our readers passions to share their knowledge, experience or to ask questions or just to comment. One thing is certain, our message is spreading!
From Michigan: Dear Brooks: I’m almost scared to read the newspapers these days. Everything seems to be falling apart in the world and lately we have seen so many countries lining up against my country or expressing their hate of us. Our political people don’t seem to care about the huge debt that is now…
From Vancouver: Dear Brooks, what is God’s purpose in imposing a period of trial and testing for True Israel? It just seems that apart from Biblical examples, we have experienced forty year testing periods many times in the past. Are we passing through such a period now?
From Ontario: Dear Mr. Coupland, I went to a couple of health food stores to get hydrogen peroxide but was unable to make a purchase. Do you have any suggestions as to where I can go?
From Vancouver: Dear Editor, what in the world is happening in the American economy? I recall you writing an article in March, 2008 and while I didn’t agree with you then, it now appears that we are on the verge of a catastrophic collapse. Any views?
From Ontario: Dear Brooks, I know you have discussed the importance of different years as far as prophecy is concerned but lately, even from media sources, we hear often about 2012. Any comments?