Final Awakening

WHAT IF??? We have been duped! That we are being fed a lie!
To this point, we can’t distinguish between the good guys and the bad guys. At least in the old cowboy westerns, when we were young, the good guys always seemed to wear white hats and the bad guys invariably wore black hats.
Take Vladimir Putin, for instance, he probably sees himself in a white hat but here in the West, we depict him as the bad guy. But God sees him only as a little pawn in His Great Plan of the ages. As you think about this, go back to where God spoke to the prophet Ezekiel in chapter 38:4, just the first sentence, “And I will turn thee back”, speaking of Gog (Russia). I well remember our old friend, Pastor Alan Campbell, in his Vancouver lecture in the late 1990’s, telling us that the “turning back” took place in and around 1989/90 when Russia lost all her satellite countries. Putin looks every bit like an egotist and in his mind, he probably wants to be remembered as the leader who restored the Russian Empire. Alas, it is not to be, but he could well be the spark for Armageddon.
His first step into the Ukraine has not worked out well, but despite the Western Media’s slant on who is winning, Russia will likely prevail, and in the not-too-distant future. The Losers? The Ukraine people, of course. Whatever freedom they gained thirty years ago will certainly be trampled down. Then too, a yet unknown thousands of deaths and dismemberment will devastate families and the nation itself for years to come. Without a doubt, they are the greatest losers.
Yet, how about other losers! We don’t have to look any further than the taxpaying citizens of the European Union, Canada and America, for a start. Indeed, the American taxpayers alone injected more than all the others combined, said to total some 50 billion dollars for military purposes and aid to the Ukraine. Quite a loss and combined with the 80 billion left on the ground when America fled Afghanistan, the piper will have to be paid through tax increases. Perhaps some of you recall my article last month wherein I quoted Major General Smedley D. Butler of World War One fame wherein he said, “In the World War [WW1] … At least 21,000 new millionaires and billionaires were made in the United States during the World War”. You have to wonder if some of the 50 to 130 million mentioned was siphoned elsewhere.
So, the nations mentioned above, who will write off billions, are losers for sure, at least their taxpayers will be. Nevertheless, their leading lights, from their pinnacle power structure down, will strut around as if they are White Hatter’s. Yet, we all remember the words of that old song, “The Great Pretender”. So, the question is, “Are they really Black Hatters in disguise? Or are they too just pawns in God’s Great Plan? I think so.
We have to ask, Is there something more to God’s Plan? You have likely read that Lithuania, one of the Baltic States, which joined NATO in 2004, just recently imposed a ground transit ban of Russian goods through its territory, cutting off the Russian exclave of Kaliningrad Oblast. So, we must ask, “Why is Lithuania risking Russia’s wrath over Kaliningrad?” Indeed, so why? One source on internet said, “Russia has expressed outrage at the move by Lithuania and has vowed to respond in a manner in which the citizens of Lithuania will feel pain”. Another source wrote, “Russia said Lithuania will face “serious,” unspecified consequences for the actions”. So, again, why did they do this, was it their own decision or perhaps, were the pressured by western sources to make this decision? Is it possible the western sources would goad Russia into a war?
One source put it this way, “Remember, Lithuania is a NATO member and as such, is aware that the NATO Alliance is founded on the principle of collective defence, meaning that if one NATO Ally is attacked, then all NATO Allies are attacked and must respond”. It’s difficult to believe a little nation like Lithuania would act on its own. It’s like a sparrow attacking an eagle. So, it is a very strong possibility that she will back down, because otherwise it could well result in a Russian attack. And if that were ever to happen, then because of the alliance, the thirty NATO countries could well find themselves at war with Russia. Perish the thought that the western powers would venture down such a path. But, who knows, as Gen. Butler wrote, “War is the only racket in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives”. The world’s economy is wobbling now and perhaps the elite see war as a resurgent factor.
After the Ukraine venture that did not go as planned, Russia may not want further war. So likely diplomacy would accompany threats, in an attempt to settle the Lithuania matter without bloodshed. Still, as mentioned earlier, Russia and the western powers are simply pawns in God’s Great Plan and if the sorry events of Ezekiel 38 are scheduled for this present time in history, God will have us play out the great ending of the age. As an aside, those of you fishermen who have experienced the joy of catching a fish and the fight it puts up perhaps can understand Russia’s reluctance to war further. Yet, the decision to go forth to war is not Russia’s, because long ago God told her, after saying he would turn her back, that He would put hooks into her jaws, and bring her forth. So, the tug will be so great she will have to come forth.
Nonetheless, Ezekiel tells us Russia won’t be alone, she will have many allies. Verses 5 & 6 identifies them. There will be Persia (modern Iran), Ethiopia (the African nations), Libya (thought to be the Muslim nations) and Togarmah (said to be part of Turkey). Now, here is a surprise because the Russian allies include Gomer, who according to some scholars, like well respected Israel Truth advocate Howard Rand, believe Gomer is Germany.
Whatever, Ezekiel 38 describes some very difficult times for the Israel nations, invasions from the north against all of us. China, Russia’s main ally, will likely take advantage of the conflict and go against Taiwan, then southward against the Israel nations of Australia and New Zealand.
There is one bright spot, however, one that I think will create a mini revival. Concerning North America, for instance, think about this, as Gog moves over the North Pole, down upon Canada toward the United States, the terror and devastation of the advance will be horrendous. God explains this in Ezekiel 38:16, “And thou shalt come up against my people of Israel, as a cloud to cover the land …” I have often thought that facing the danger of war right in our backyard, Israelites will be so frightened that we will collectively go to our knees to seek His Help. We may not deserve it, but our God is so wonderful that He will come to our rescue.
Throughout Ezekiel 39, we can see this is so.