Well, it’s old news now. The eclipse has come and gone and the world remains as unstable as it was before. Still, there were signs that should make us stand still and take notice. You know, back in August 1999, a total eclipse of the sun cut through the heart of the European Continent, having clipped the South-Western corner of Britain. That same year Nigel Farage, Leader of UKIP and an MEP, told the European Parliament that his intention was for Britain to leave the European Union. Seventeen years later, in 2016 Britain voted in a referendum to leave.
An eclipse is in no way responsible for particular events happening, but it is a heavenly sign, and the Lord God may, if it pleases Him, use it as such. The eclipse that took place across the heart of North America on August 21st may or may not have been a pointer, or sign, in Almighty God’s calendar. However, the path of totality across the United States paints an interesting picture;
First, landfall was in Lincoln Beach, Oregon, ‘Lincoln’ being the name of one of America’s greatest Presidents. Further along the line, the Moon’s shadow passed across ‘Salem’, also in Oregon. ‘Salem’ means ‘Peaceful’ or ‘Complete’. This name is also mentioned in the Bible, being an ancient Middle Eastern name and referred to as the “Royal City of Melchizedek’ – and is traditionally identified with Jerusalem. “And Melchizedek King of Salem brought forth bread and wine and he was Priest of the Most High God.” (Gen 14; i8) ‘In Salem also is His Tabernacle, and His dwelling place in Zion.” (Psalm 76:2)
‘Casper,’ in Wyoming is the next interesting venue along our line of totality. This name actually came from a Lt. Caspar, and Fort Caspar, but a spelling error caused the place name to be Casper. But ‘Casper’ (or Kasper, Gasper, or even Jasper) is considered to have been the name of one of the Magi, (or Wise Men) who brought gifts to the young Jesus, and also means “Treasurer’.
Next, we have Kansas City. Now, in the State of Kansas ‘Ad Astra’ a Kanza Warrior (Kansas is named after a Native American Sioux Tribe) can be seen on the State Capital Building Dome in Topeka. This tribe were called the ‘People of the Wind.’ Their motto ‘Ad Astra Per As Pero ‘ means ‘To the Stars through difficulty’. And the Warrior’s bow points to the north star, being symbolic of finding one’s way.
The ‘Point of Maximum’ (maximum totality), of the eclipse is in Kentucky. (Apparently in a field of Sorghum, Sorghum bicolour – a type of millet – a cereal grain of the grass family Poaceae). ‘Kentucky’ itself has a native American Indian origin attributed to several different languages including the Iroquois word Ken-tah-ten, one meaning being ‘Land of Tomorrow’.
Time and space do not allow me to examine every place along the line of Totality, and I have just picked out a handful of places. But I must mention the last part of the line before it hit the Atlantic – Charleston. The oldest and largest city in the state of South Carolina, it lies just south of the geological midpoint of S Carolina’s coastline and is located on Charleston Harbour, an inlet of the Atlantic Ocean formed by the confluence of the Ashley and Cooper Rivers. One of it’s nicknames is – so I read – ‘The Holy City’. It’s motto being; Aedes Mores Juraque Curat (Latin for; ‘She Guards Her Temples, Customs, and Laws 9.
Charleston was founded as Charles Town, honouring King Charles II of England in 1670. After Charles II was restored to the English Throne in 1660, he granted the chartered Province of Carolina to eight of his loyal friends known as the Lords Proprietors, on March 24th 1663. Originally the area was inhabited by the Cusabo Indians. The original spot of Charles Town was changed to its current position around 1672 and became Charles Town in 1680. In 1719 the town’s name began to be written as Charleston.
On August 31st, 1886, Charleston was nearly destroyed by an earthquake – the shock was estimated to have been felt as far away as Boston to the North, Chicago and Milwaukee to the North West, New Orleans to the West, as far South as Cuba, and East as Bermuda. The intensity was described as extreme!
The line of totality across America begins at a place named after a President, and finishes its trek at a place named after a King. Donald Tramp, became President of the United States 268 days before this eclipse – this being the number of displacement. Whatever now ot later befalls America – whatever befalls God’s Israel Peoples – we must hold on to our Faith, for it will culminate with the return of a King, The King!
How do we know! From the standpoint of the Earth, the eclipsed sun being in the constellation of Leo, very close to its brightest star Regulus that speaks of Our Glorious Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ – the Lion of Judah. Regulus means ‘treading under foot’ (which Our Lord will do to His enemies!). In the constellation of Leo, the Witness of the Stars, as positioned by Almighty God, speaks of the Return of Our Lord – and King – this same Jesus Christ.
As above, so below! Amen!