Over the years, we have published many small articles, some a few lines, others a page, but all of them convey matters of interest. Each month we will add a few more and wish you good reading.
When you read the articles submitted by our correspondents from Canada, America and the United Kingdom, there is a sense that God’s Plan is unfolding very rapidly now and soon all the evil forces will be lining up for the one last chance to make the world exclusively their own. What to do! “What to…
Many years ago—back in the days of the old west—during a revival meeting, the worst drunkard in town was gloriously converted. Night after night he testified of his salvation and many rejoiced. But a few days later when he passed the saloon, he was tempted to return to his old ways and drinking. He wrestled…
The chosen nation of old, to which God gave the opportunity of World-Service, was descended from Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. They were not Jews but “Hebrews”, descended from “Heber”, the term “Jew” first originating a thousand years after Abraham’s day when a Remnant of the “House of Judah” returned to Palestine from captivity in Babylon….
I have seen the Lord! So sang a heart simply bursting with happiness, that First Resurrection morning! Let us refresh our minds with the picture. I think the first fact that reaches home to our hearts in this 20th chapter of St. John’s Gospel, is that Peter, the one who had denied his Lord, the…
Before my retirement, I was Managing Clerk to a firm of Solicitors. One day a Unitarian Minister came to consult me. We became quite friendly and had many talks about the Bible, but I could not convert him to Christian principles. At length, he invited my sister and me to a meal at his Parsonage…
hates this country so much that he says a Trotskyist government led by Jeremy Corbyn is a happier prospect than Brexit. This ignoble Lord is only the latest in a long procession of prominent people ganging up to smother Brexit and so demonstrate their contempt for the expressed views of the majority of British people…