All Things To All Men

Thus, promised King Charles during his coronation on the 6th May this year. The fact that this was uttered in the presence of the Coronation Stone – a Witness Stone to the proceedings – is important, and King Charles is therefore, from that moment obliged to adhere to his words. However, whether or not he could rightly state that “I am a faithful Protestant…” is open to debate. In fact in “The British (Protestant) Church Newspaper (May 29, 2023), there is a very good letter by the Pastor of the Bootle Protestant Free Church, who both itemises and shows that …..”so far Charles has not passed any of the tests to back his claim…..”
Watching the Coronation on our television with B.I. friends we felt there was something very lacking in the whole event. And you know all of this reflects the state of the Israel nations in our world today. There is a certain hollowness, a lack of substance.
Down the road from where I live, there is a little church, which, in its heyday must have been a beautiful haven of spirituality and full of people praising God, and listening to the Scriptures. But currently it is locked up and has a warning to people to beware of falling masonry due to the building’s instability.
This is another reflection of the state of God’s people, and it is very sad. King Solomon was given great wisdom by Almighty God, at the start of his reign, and indeed for many years he was a wise and good king. However, we read in our Bibles how he went astray and obviously lost this wisdom – as Samson lost his God given strength – and ended up worshipping other (false) gods.
Considering this, we have to ask ourselves that if someone blessed with great wisdom by God, can still err and go astray, what hope is there for the rest of us?
Recently, while attending a BIWF rally in Morecambe, Nelson McCausland who, speaking of the then impending Coronation, said that if we all prayed for King Charles’ eyes to be opened to the Lord, perhaps he would be an opposite to that of King Solomon; who started off well, and went wrong at the end, whereas King Charles, starting off wrongly, could hopefully end well…! That would be good indeed, but whether it comes to pass, or is just vain hope, only time will tell.
At previous events concerning our royal family, the splendour and atmosphere accompanying them, was always long lasting. Even the funeral of our late Queen, Elizabeth 2nd, carried with it that spiritual substance that indicated the Lord was truly at One with the situation. This I believe is because Elizabeth 2nd was a true believer in Jesus Christ Our Lord. She may have done things wrong – most surely, we are all guilty of this – but her heart was with the Lord. Her substance made of the Holy Spirit. What, I wonder is in the heart of King Charles?
I can’t help but remember the ominous impression felt by the lady from Somerset who had witnessed a Pride march in London and was horrified at the supporting crowd. I mentioned it in a previous article. Her strong impression was that the Lord would not act whilst Queen Elizabeth still lived.
I have contacted to the lady in question, and she believes that events following Queen Elizabeth’s death are proving that things are coming to a head.
During the Coronation Service, Archbishop Welby, read from Luke 4:18. If you read this you will see that after Jesus had read those words, taken from Isaiah 61:1-2, He then closed the book (or scroll) and sat down – and told His listeners “…This day, is this scripture fulfilled in your ears…”.
Several years ago, a late BI scholar, Tom Boullier, asked if we had ever looked back to Isaiah, to see the whole of verse 2. This remaining part seems not to be considered by our clergymen in these days. Immediately after the words; “to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord…” which is where Our Lord stopped reading, it then says; “…and the day of vengeance of our God;…”.
Our Lord stopped short of those last words – because that time had not yet come! – but has it come now?
In all of this, and with all the terrible and not so terrible things going on in today’s world, we should not lose heart. Remember that the Lord God – Father and Son – knows all things, and so has prepared for all these. I spoke of Solomon – the Lord knew he would go astray – but He made provision, not just for Solomon, but for all of us.
King Charles, like many today, thinks that we – mortal beings – can put things right. His obsession with “Climate Change”, for example has put him under the spell of Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum – which Charles himself helped to create – and which is totally evil. He also seems to desire that all religions come together as one and appears to believe in going along with all those ‘woke’ ideologies, including reparation for events from the past. He is not alone of course, and it is all a part of the great delusion that has most surely enveloped the whole world.
Satan is indeed a wily devil, and he knows that if you take away God from the hearts of men and women, you can plant all sorts of nonsense in people’s minds under the guise of good intentions, peppered with a good dose of vanity. Solomon himself said that all is vanity.
We cannot do anything without Almighty God! God is all knowing, and wonderful beyond all means! With HIM we can potentially do anything! Without Him, we face only death and destruction…!
Solomon loved many strange women – a real ladies man if ever there was. He thought it wouldn’t matter if he let them worship their false gods. In the end, he, and other Israelites also worshipped them. It is the same with Charles, and indeed our leaders today – including, sadly, the Church itself. Everyone must have the freedom to worship whatever god they choose. Christianity has become just another faith, of no special importance, and even our Christian beginnings in this and other lands are being undermined and rewritten. Immigration into Britain and North America is unprecedented – and being deliberately aimed at our Anglo-Saxon-Celtic lands to submerge, and ultimately overtake our population.
So, something must happen – sooner rather than later. We must call upon our Lord God to help us, and He will do so. He loves us with a love that is so deep it is beyond our understanding. We only must turn back to Him with all of our hearts.
All that is going on around us speaks about His forgiveness and bringing us back into His care, but the most wonderful of all, in my view, is back in the New Testament and involves Jesus Himself.
You remember the time when Jesus was asked to intervene when a woman had been taken in adultery, and the law of the time was for the offender to be stoned to death. When asked what should be done, Jesus invited those who had not sinned to cast the first stone. Of course, who then – or now – or any other time, could profess to be without sin before He Who was without sin? So, they all went away and left just the woman, and Jesus – who asked her where were her accusers. She looked around and saw they had all gone, and our lovely Lord said, that neither did He accuse her.
This speaks volumes to us. Israel is always portrayed as a woman. And she is the Bride of Christ. She had been divorced from the Lord because of her adultery and the Lord was about to open the way for her be reunited with her husband.
Divorce and adultery are the norm in today’s world, and even King Charles and Queen Camilla are both divorced, likewise the whole saga with Harry and Megan (a divorced woman), which has surely overshadowed Charles’ becoming King and his Coronation. The Lord is talking to us in all these events.
Charles’ attitude to Prince Harry who, under the wiles of Megan, appears to be intent on destroying the royal family, is reminiscent of King David and his son Absalom. Absalom wanted to take the throne from David, and David had to flee at one point to a safe haven. But in it all he still was obsessed with this son, and even after Absalom was killed, David mourned him – who had sought to kill his own father….
I do feel concerned for our royal family and the Throne, but on the other hand, they are the caretakers of this Throne for it belongs to Him Who will soon return to take it rightfully for His own. I also feel concerned for all our people, for we have lost our way, and it seems as if we are in quicksand, whereby the more we struggle, the deeper in we get. But again, WE belong to HIM who will soon return and will save us out of the Babylonian mess that is all around us.
We must hold on to our Faith, and pray for others to do the same. Be bold to stand up for the Truth, and leave the rest up to Our Lord. He is indeed the Only Way and our Knight in shining armour. Come quickly O Lord.