A Spot of Bother

The title is partly taken from the TV comedy series “Some Mothers do Have ‘Em” starring Michael Crawford in the role of ‘Frank Spencer’. Now spots are very annoying things; a crisp white shirt or skirt can be sullied by just one small spot because it stands out so. Our gaze is not directed to the vastness of the clean area but to the one recalcitrant mark. How so is it with us when one small blemish can destroy a vision of wondrous purity. Therefore, it behoves us to do all we can to eradicate any spots which we may have (and which Satan delights in) in order to retain our sanctity and composure. The devil hates purity of any sort and restlessly and ruthlessly seeks to destroy it. When we have the Lord’s protection around us, the devil has no entry path into our souls, for it is our souls that he seeks to destroy.
Now, we have in Britain and the Commonwealth a new king, one who has been indiscreet and very foolish in several ways. No need to expand on this. “Heavy is the head that wears the crown”, the saying goes. Well, yes this is particularly true if sin has been present – then the crown will feel as though it weighs a ton and the pressure of it hugely discomfiting. But where true joy, love and peace reside, only lightness remains, and smiles and laughter. Then it is a case of “begone dull care” for all is as it should be.
Another problem with spots is their tendency to remain. Just as that awkward spot of blood on the carpet, witness to Banquo’s murder in Shakespeare’s play – “Out, damned spot, out I say” implores the fearful Lady Macbeth, partaker in the murder. But the spot keeps reappearing after cleaning. How frustrating is this?
St Peter in his second epistle, chapter 3, after alerting us to the day of the Lord, in which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise and the earth also shall be burnt up, asks “what manner of person ought ye to be?”, looking for (the) new heavens and a new earth wherein dwelleth righteousness. He continues “wherefore beloved, seeing that ye look for such things, be diligent that ye may be found of him in peace, without spot and blameless.”, “Ye, therefore beloved, seeing ye know these things before, beware lest ye also, being led away with the error of the wicked, fall from your own steadfastness. But grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To Him be glory both now and forever. Amen.”
Jude continues with this discourse, illustrating the eventual downfall of those angels which kept not their first estate. The Lord has reserved these in everlasting chains, utter darkness, unto the judgement of the great day. Continuing in verse 14, “Behold the Lord cometh with ten thousands (plural) of His saints to execute judgement upon all that are ungodly… and who (have made) hard speeches against Him (Jesus Christ). These are murmurers and complainers.”
Now, the ancient Throne of David, which harks back to the beginning of True Israel, has been foretold to be a continuing witness to and in possession of our Lord Jesus Christ. It has not (unfortunately) always had good and righteous kings seated upon it. The present incumbent suffers from a commonly held delusion, as does our ex-Prime Minister, Mr Johnson. Both think that it is up to them to “Save the Planet”. The former also suffers at the hands of a wayward and easily led child (still a child), who like, some may say has rebelled against his father like Mordred did against Arthur. This rebellion is all consuming and completely out of the bounds of sanity. He has elevated foolishness to a mighty stage surrounded by the celebrity and political (here today and gone tomorrow) acolytes of doom.
It has just been announced (16th June 2023) that this child and his dubious prompter have had one of their most valuable media contracts cancelled. They are as from today without Spotify! Some see this reversal as the starting point for their growing and eventual collapse into meaninglessness and irrelevance.
Who can tell? All we do know is that those allied to the dark forces who have promoted themselves endlessly for monetary gain and worldly acclaim are on the wrong side of history. Isolated and alone, their fate (thoroughly deserved) is not a pretty one.
Everything today is in the mix. But remember, though the mills of God grind slowly, they grind exceedingly sure. Vengeance is Mine saith the Lord, I will repay.
To return to Jude for the final two verses of the Holy Bible, before the Revelation of St John. “Now to Him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory, with exceeding joy, to the only wise God our Saviour, be Glory and Majesty, Dominion and Power, both now and forever. Amen.”