A Note of Encouragement From The Heart

Greetings and blessings to all in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ!
As I write this, it is early morning and I am in my Study at the church. I can hear the birds singing and the occasional sound of a dog barking in the distance, and I can see through these stained-glass windows that the sun is rising on a new day.
These things are precious to my heart, and they all speak to me, and tell me that our beloved Father in heaven is still on the Throne, and that He is with us in this time of trial and adversity. All we need do is call upon Him in prayer.
My time with God this morning has been sweet. What a comfort His precious Word is in times of uncertainty! His Word is alive and it quickens all who are touched by it.
In these dark and evil days, let us draw ever closer to our Heavenly Father. Let each of us learn to be still before Him, and in that blessed quietness be reminded that He is God, that He is in control and that He is working all of this together for good to those who love Him, and who are the called according to His purpose. This too shall pass.
The birds and all the other creatures of nature continue on as always, uninterrupted, and the sun is still running its course. May this fact offer up hope to all, and may it instill within us the calm assurance that everything will be okay for those who are in Christ.
Things are indeed crazy out there, but we will trust in the Lord, come what may!
We are His people and the sheep of His pasture, and He is the GOOD Shepherd who laid down His life for us! How will He not also see us through this dark valley?
Let us not focus on the storm, but let us fix our eyes upon — and rest our hope upon — the Lord Jesus Christ!
He is there, and He loves us. And His goodness can be seen all around us, even now. Trust Him, praise Him and thank Him. On the other end of this is joy unspeakable and full of glory!
Come quickly Lord Jesus!