A Rough Road But A Beautiful Ending

The Countdown is talking place.
The prophecies are coming together,
Even Isaiah 17:1 is looming large.
And Mystery Babylon or the Deep State is moving rapidly toward “For in one hour is your judgment come”.
Remember what I wrote last month. In each of the seven prophetic hours from 1918, the evil Deep State has acquired even more money, power and control.
But, the ending of the seventh prophetic hour August/September 2023 has signalled a beginning of the end for the evil ones.
The breakout of war in the Middle East has already involved America and soon other Anglo-Saxon nations will join.
And within weeks the temptation to invade Iran and its nuclear facilities will be just too great.
And the nations will line up. On one side will be all the nations that houses the descendants of True Israel. And the remaining nations will form the massive enemy aggressors.
The result will be that World War III will be knocking on our door in the next few months, perhaps weeks.
It must not be forgotten that a formidable force against True Israel will be all those terrorists who have slipped across the borders unaware, along with those who have legally been planted by enemy nations over the years.
Then there is there growing rage within Turkey. One of the great theologians in the Israel Truth movement was the late Pastor Alan Campbell. When referring to what will transpire in the end times, he was quoted often as saying “Watch Turkey”. Now today in a Tyler Durden column, we read that Turkey’s president, in a raging speech before a pro-Palestinian rally, declared Israel to be a war criminal to the world. Then he added, ““The main culprit behind the massacre unfolding in Gaza is the West.” So, it definitely appears when war does break out, Turkey will be a main enemy. It is interesting that when looking at the Biblical origin of the Turks, many peoples are said to form the early lands but one that stands out is “Edom”, the sworn enemy of the Israelites. Remember that Esau swore to kill Jacob Israel for stealing away the Birthright (Gen. 27) and that sentence has never been revoked.
It is interesting to speculate how things will ultimately play out because Israel too is heavily Edom as well.
The UN is calling for a cease fire, but I fear that it’s too late, what is that old expression, “the die is cast”.
It would be nice if sensible heads would prevail, and countries would back-down before war threatens to encompass the entire world, but when America took the first step of sending their missiles into Syria, it may be too late.
Last month, I shared my thoughts about the prophecy of Ezekiel 7, but since I also covered three other Scriptures, I never completely covered Ezekiel and it’s too much for this article as well. But I want to touch on verses 20-24 because they describe the era in which we are living. For simplicity I will quote from the New King James Version.
“As for the beauty of his ornaments, He set it in majesty; but they made from it the images of their abominations, their detestable things; therefore, I have made it like refuse to them”. We were the apple of His Eye, so to speak, but through the centuries and particularly from the time of the Esau dominion around 1820, it has been all downhill. I can’t help but repeat the words of the French historian who ventured throughout the United States about that time, including its churches. He was later to say, “America is great because it is good”! Then he added, “If America ever ceases to be good, America will cease to be great”. Great word of wisdom.
So, God said, “I will give it asinto the hands of strangers, and to the wicked of the earth as spoil; And they shall defile it”. Only a blind man could miss this as the Deep State with Edom at its helm has done everything possible to confiscate the wealth of our nations and place us in bondage.
Then God said, “I will turn My face from them, and they will defile My secret place; for robbers shall enter it and defile it”. Sadly, even our churches, once the pillar of our greatness, have been defiled and no longer seek the real truth. “Turning His face” reminds us of Hosea 5:15, where God says, “I will go and return to my place, till they acknowledge their offence and seek my face ….”
This next verse should make us sit up and take notice, ‘Make a chain, Forland is filled with crimes of blood, And the city is full of violence”. Look around our nations, violence is rampant, and crime and murders are commonplace.
As part of our punishment, God says, “Therefore I will bring theof the Gentiles, And they will possess their houses; I will cause the pomp of the strong to cease, And their holy places shall be”. The first part of this verse needs no explanation. Millions of illegal immigrants have crossed into the Israel lands and sapped our wealth. We read about it daily in America. It is the fulfillment of the invasion from the south as prophesied by Ezekiel in chapter 38:11-13. But all of the Israel lands have been affected. Take the City of London in England, for example. Fifty or sixty years ago it was 97% Anglo-Saxon – now it is around 38/39%.
The second part of this verse, “I will cause the pomp ….” was explained in our last month’s article, and primarily relates to Mystery Babylon or the Deep State. And as was explained, verse 25 is clearly meant for them, “Destruction comes; they will seek peace, butshall be.”
As I see it, the balance of this year and the year 2024 is going to be a very trying time, even for those under the Blood of Christ, but we can be assured that our place in God’s Kingdom is secure. Still, I believe that more than ever before, we must reach out to our brethren, wherever they are, and sow the seeds of truth. It’s up to themselves whether they choose to accept, but at least they will have the opportunity for eternal life.
Every day, in every way, in our prayers, we must thank the Almighty God for His love, guidance and protection, as we enter this last gasp of the Devil’s rule over our lives. Won’t it be wonderful, as Hosea wrote in 2:1, “Come, let us return to the Lord for He has torn us, that He may heal us. He has struck us down and He will bind us up.” An Internet writer sums it up nicely, “What a powerful picture of God’s grace in disciplining us, and God’s love in refining us.” Hosea tells us, “Let us return to the Lord for He has torn us……but he will bind us up.”